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2014 Team of the Week


Our Walk Team of the Week is Hot Flashes!

Hot Flashes

The Hot Flashes team began in 2000 and since then, they’ve raised more than $440,000!

Led fearlessly by team captain Alan Legatt, team Hot Flashes participates in Walk MS in Westchester, Rockland, and Manhattan.

Their goal for Walk MS 2014?  To recruit 250 team members (across all three sites), and raise $60,000 to bring their cumulative team fundraising total to $500,000! 

It is difficult to sum up team Hot Flashes’ accomplishments in just a few sentences because it is teams like them that truly leave an indelible mark on our events.

Tip of the Week: Do you set a team recruitment and fundraising goal? If not, think about doing it. It helps you to organize your team for the season, and set a schedule. 


Congratulations  Hot Flashes!

Click here to see past Teams of the Week

If you or someone you know would like to be our featured Team of the Week, please email Carrie Seekircher at with your team accomplishments and a link to your team page. 

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